2024-2025 Tuition Information
Rehearsal Location:
Classical Academy High School - PLC
130 Woodward Avenue, Escondido, CA 92025
2024 - 2025 Tuition and Registration:
2024/2025 Tuition & Registration Due by August 31, 2024​
Late Fee of $25 if tuition is paid after due date.
Tuition & Registration fees are non-refundable.
Payable by:
Check (to CYO) mailed to P.O. Box 2170, San Marcos, CA 92079.
Zelle (Civic Youth Orchestra Inc, civicyouthorchestra@gmail.com, 760-728-1977) (enter Student Name and Ensemble in comments)
Register by Clicking on the link below:​
Ensemble | Tuition | Hours |
Prelude | $610 | 9-11 |
Prelude / Intermezzo | $705 | 9-12 |
Intermezzo / Intermediate | $705 | 9-12 |
Intermediate / Chamber | $705 | 9-12 |
Wind Ensemble | $780 | 9-12 |
Symphonic Orchestra | $780 | 9-12 |
Symphony Orchestra | $810 | 9-12 |
Marching Band Students (CYO Wind and Brass only): $660
CYO Alumni (Full Time Returning): $450
Symphony and Symphonic members are required to attend the annual Labor Day Weekend Retreat. For more information visit our Annual Retreat page.
Prelude, Intermezzo, Intermediate, Chamber and Wind members are required to attend the week-long Summer Workshop in July. For more information visit our Summer Workshop page.