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Audition Guidelines

General Information 
  • Audition results will come out after all the auditions have been processed. Please understand it may take a few weeks as we listen to multiple dates of auditions.

  • Auditioning for a specific ensemble does not guarantee enrollment to that ensemble. Based on the audition, conductors will place the students in the appropriate level of ensemble.

  • Please do not expect any comments from the conductors after the audition as they try to be fair to all students.


​Audition Process 

  • It is ideal to show up 30 minutes before your audition time. This allows you to check-in and warm up before your audition. 

  • Tune your instrument during your warm up time. 

  • Dress up! It is important to present the best of yourself, just like an interview, it shows professionalism when you go into the audition. 

  • Bring extra copies of your music. This includes your own copy of music and extra ones for the conductor(s) to use.  

  • Greet and introduce yourself. Upon entering the audition room, introduce yourself to the conductor(s). This will break the ice and help you settle before your audition begins.

  • Take your time. Before you start playing or waiting in between pieces, take a moment for yourself. Take a deep breath, gather yourself, then begin.  

  • You may be asked to sight read. Please understand this is just a method used for the conductors to get an in-depth perspective of the student's level. Before starting, take about 10-15 seconds to quickly scan the time signature, key signature, tempo, notes, rhythm, and dynamic markings.  It's not meant to be perfect, do the best you can and play it through in one go. 

  • You'll do great! At this point, you have done everything you can to prepare for the audition. The only thing to do now is to enjoy and learn from the experience.


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